Neat Freak!
Neat Freak! is a room and house organizing, decorating, and staging company in Nashville, Tennessee that believes that a chaotic and disorganized space can lead to an even more chaotic and disorganized way of living, disrupting ones mood and behavior. Neat Freak! believes that a clean, clear space is an important foundation to lead a happier, more stress free life.
The colors the client wanted to use were light blue, lavender, light green, and white. These colors are perceived as very calming and soothing. The client also wanted the logo to contain both a logo type and logo mark mentioning that they wanted to see “Freak!” in a different typeface than “Neat.”
Because the goal of the company is to create balance and harmony in ones home and life, I wanted the logo mark to reflect that using symmetry. This symmetrical shape also reflects pieces or boxes fitting together perfectly in place which emphasizes organization and cleanliness while also creating a discoverable house in the center.
Served as the lead designer and project manager on the Powell Creative team to develop the Neat Freak! logo.